
Prikaz objav, dodanih na avgust, 2009

"Dialectical Materialism and Psychoanalysis"

Maurice Brinton "Dialectical Materialism and Psychoanalysis"1972 Published: in Solidarity, VII, 3 (1972)Transcribed: by Jonas Holmgren Socialist Reproduction are to be congratulated for popularizing this little-known text of Wilhelm Reich's which appeared simultaneously, in 1929, in Unter dem Banner des Marxismus (the theoretical journal of the German Communist Party) and in its Russian equivalent Pod Znameniem Marxisma. [1] It is a symptom of the void in both psychoanalytic and meaningful radical literature today that we have to thread our way back for more than four decades to find a sensible discussion of these interesting matters. Unlike previous texts of Reich's to which we have referred in either the review of What is Class Consciousness? or the pamphlet The Irrational in Politics, "Dialectical Materialism and Psychoanalysis" is of no immediate relevance to an understanding of human needs or of the founts of human action. It is something very differen...


zanimiva povezava http://internationalpsychoanalysis.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/rlanderenglish-ipacongress.pdf

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Lokacija med Škofjo Loko in Kranjem. Spektakularno!

What Is Psychoanalysis? What Is Child Psychoanalysis?

Psychoanalysis, according the dictionary, is a method of understanding psychological phenomena and treating emotional disorders. Psychoanalysis has been called "talking therapy ." The treatment component involves sessions during which the patient is encouraged to talk freely about personal experiences, including feelings, fantasies, relationships, childhood , parents and siblings , dreams , and so on. With children, play is the method of expression until they get older and can talk more freely. Psychoanalysis is best seen as an evolving science, with both treatment and research components. Psychoanalysis attempts to understand the inner psychological world of human beings - what people do (behaviors), and why they do what they do ( motivations ). The field was begun by Sigmund Freud in the late 1800's and early 1900's. Psychoanalysis has evolved and changed significantly since then, resulting in a more sophisticated understanding of the psychological world of human b...


Za Jan Vidov krst. Oho!


Knjiga Vladimirja Bartola - Alamut , sem prebral na mah. Mislim, da je mi potrebno interpretirati, saj so spodnji citati dovolj zgovorni sami zase. Str. 165 - 'izkušnjo si odlično prestal, mladi prijatelj. Prerokujem ti, da boš postal nekoč še veliki in mogočni dai. Dozorel si, da ti razkrijem pravi izmailski nauk. Prej pa se mi moraš zaobljubiti, da ga ne boš nikomur zaupal, dokler ne boš posvečen.'....'nauk o Aliji in Mohamedu je samo slepilo za množice vernikov, ki jim je ime Prerokovega zeta sveto in ki sovražijo Bagdad. Kdor pa more razumeti, temu povemo, kot je ustanovil že kalif Al Hakim, da je koran proizvod zmešanih možganov. Resnice ne moremo spoznati. Zatorej ne verujemn v nič in smemo vse storiti.' - Str. 170/71 'Toda Kristus in Mohamed sta vendarle hotela množicam dobro?' - 'Da,' je odvrnil. 'Hotela sta jim dobro, toda spoznala sta tudi vso njihovo brezupno bedo. Usmiljenje ju je nagnilo, da sta jim pričarala bajko o raku, ki ga bodo pre...


Sončni zahod. Lokacija Log pri Sevnici.

What Is Psychoanalysis? What Is Child Psychoanalysis?

Psychoanalysis, according the dictionary, is a method of understanding psychological phenomena and treating emotional disorders. Psychoanalysis has been called "talking therapy." The treatment component involves sessions during which the patient is encouraged to talk freely about personal experiences, including feelings, fantasies, relationships, childhood, parents and siblings, dreams, and so on. With children, play is the method of expression until they get older and can talk more freely. Psychoanalysis is best seen as an evolving science, with both treatment and research components. Psychoanalysis attempts to understand the inner psychological world of human beings – what people do (behaviors), and why they do what they do (motivations). The field was begun by Sigmund Freud in the late 1800's and early 1900's. Psychoanalysis has evolved and changed significantly since then, resulting in a more sophisticated understanding of the psychological world of human beings a...

Human Resources Management - HRM

The Human Resources Management (HRM) function includes a variety of activities, and key among them is deciding what staffing needs you have and whether to use independent contractors or hire employees to fill these needs, recruiting and training the best employees, ensuring they are high performers, dealing with performance issues, and ensuring your personnel and management practices conform to various regulations. Activities also include managing your approach to employee benefits and compensation, employee records and personnel policies. Usually small businesses (for-profit or nonprofit) have to carry out these activities themselves because they can’t yet afford part- or full-time help. However, they should always ensure that employees have — and are aware of — personnel policies which conform to current regulations. These policies are often in the form of employee manuals, which all employees have. google_protectAndRun("ads_core.google_render_ad", google_handleError, googl...

Linki za HRM


One Hundred Years of Freud in America

Sigmund Freud hated America. He couldn’t stand being called “Sigmund” by his informal hosts. He believed that Americans had channeled their sexuality into an unhealthy obsession with money. And he seethed at his own need for the dollars that we had in such unseemly abundance. “Is it not sad,” he wrote to a German friend after World War I, “that we are materially dependent on these savages, who are not a better class of human beings?” But while Freud loathed all things American (except its currency), the feeling was anything but mutual. “No nation outside of Germany and Austria was more hospitable to psychoanalysis than America,” notes Mark Edmundson in “The Death of Sigmund Freud” (2007). Freud may even have anticipated the eagerness with which Americans would embrace his theories. “We are bringing them the plague,” he reportedly told colleagues when disembarking in New York. “And they don’t even know it.” Freud made that fateful trip to the New World he so thoroughly despised 100 year...

Sončni zahod

Prelep sončni zahod. Lokacija avtocesta Beograd-Zagreb, mislim da okoli Kutine.

Human resource management: general guidelines for constructing quality term paper

The Human Resource Management has become a backbone for running a business successfully. It comprises of multiple functions. The key function is to decide what kind of service you actually need, and what alternatives you can opt for. HR is about: • Hiring new employees • Employees Training • Their Performance • Management practices • Other activities related of human resource management. Human Resource management term paper should be written on any approach to the management related to the most valuable assets of an enterprise. Employees and labours are assets, who sometimes collectively and sometimes individually contribute in the development and accomplishment of an enterprise. It is about managing people. An HR term paper should be written on topics that defines HR process. The HR term paper should evaluate the sole purpose behind Human Resource Management study. There has to be a strong topic for writing an HRM coursework that could simplify the meanings of HR for students. This wi...


Jutro nad Brezovico. Prelepo, kaj ne?

The Future of an Illusion - by sigmund freud

In The standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud. Vol. 21. London, 1968. [FrS1][FrS1 5] Human civilization, by which I mean all those respects in [FrS1 6] which human life has raised itself above its animal status and differs from the life of beasts and I scorn to distinguish between culture and civilization , presents, as we know, two aspects to the observer. It includes on the one hand all the knowledge and capacity that men have acquired in order to control the forces of nature and extract its wealth for the satisfaction of human needs, and, on the other hand, all the regulations necessary in order to adjust the relations of men to one another and especially the distribution of the available wealth. The two trends of civilization are not independent of each other: firstly, because the mutual relations of men are profoundly influenced by the amount of instinctual satisfaction which the existing wealth makes possible; secondly, because an individual man can...