
Prikaz objav, dodanih na avgust, 2012

Gersonov čudež

Gersonovo cudo - YouTube Gersonova terapija dr. Max Gerson čistilna terapija oz. dieta: sok: organski, naravni, zmlet in nato stisnjen. Še dodatno kava organska, skozi rektum, cca. 15 minut - s tem jetra absorbira kofein in izloča strupe. Organska hrana: - domača hrana z domačim in gnojilom očistiti um : - pozitivno razmišljanje, - detoksikacija telesa vrača umu pozitivno energijo. Viri: 1.      youtube, 2.      http://www.gersonovaterapija.si . 

Review: 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself: Change Your Life Forever

100 Ways to Motivate Yourself: Change Your Life Forever by Steve Chandler My rating: 4 of 5 stars Poslušajte jo na youtube m.youtube.com/watch?gl=US&hl=sl&client=mv-google&v=SbbDjRB0nZs View all my reviews

Seminar Chrisa Cooperja

(Motivational Video) Chris Cooper - Execute Your Passion! - YouTube a- avoid negativ people, things and places, b- believe in your self, c- consider things from every angle, e - enjoy life today. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow may never come, f- family and friends are treasure, i-ignore everyone who tries to discourage! K- keep trying, l-love your self first and most, achieving goals and dreams. Success is the only option, because is my time. Rule 12-12-12: 1 people judge you from 12 feat away, 2 from 12 inches away, 3 and first twelve words you say. This means nothing unless you apply this things to your life.

Seminar Dr. Wayne Dyer

Dr. Wayne Dyer - Wishes Fulfilled - YouTube Povzetek seminarja: zelo pozitivno razmišljaj, ne smeš začeti stavek "Jaz ne ...................! (zmorem, smem, znam,...)", I am what I am!, vstavi si v podzavest: jaz sem .................. (uspešen, dober, zdrav, dober oče. odličen mož, genij, manager, vodja, ...), With God all things are possible! Viri: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+19%3A26&version=NIV , http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yJP9cuKNqI .