Prikaz objav, dodanih na september, 2012
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Deepak chopra - The future of wellbeing 1 principle: body is not a structure. It's a process. Body recycle every year. 2 principle: the mind is a process. Regulate the flow of energy and it's regulate in our body. 3 principle: there is no mental event that doesn't have brain representation. Their is 7 principles. www.zeitgeistmind.com
Prebral: Between Two Ages
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Between Two Ages by Zbigniew Brzezinski My rating: 4 of 5 stars Pg. 7- "Human life is reduced to real suffering, to hell, only when two ages, two cultures and religions overlap. . . There are times when a whole generation is caught in this way between two ages, two modes of life, with the consequence that it loses all power to understand itself and has no standard, no security, no simple acquiescence." - Hermann Hesse, steppenwolf Pg. 12- Speaking of a future at most only decades away, an experimenter in intelligence control asserted, "I foresee the time when we shall have the means and therefore, inevitably, the temptation to manipulate the behavior and intellectual functioning of all people throug environmental and biochemical manipulation of the brain." Thus it is an open question whether technology and science will in fact increase the options open to the individual. Pg. 32- the crucial breakthrough in the development of human self-awareness on a ...
Pejt Naprej
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Hodža & Zlatko - Pejt Naprej (Official HD Video) - YouTube Kaj vse ne najdeš na Youtubu. Enostavno je najboljši internetni kanal, kjer si lahko ogledaš vse. Od Deepak Chopre, Zig Ziglarja pa do naših reperjev, ki so spesnili enostavno predober komad, da jih ne bi omenil. Svaka čast fantje, kapo dol!! Enostavno prava motivacija ob pravem času!!! PEJMO NAPREJ!!!
Louisa Hay in Wayne Dyer
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Povzetek dr. Wayne Dyer: Rumi starodavni perzijski poet je napisal: " Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment." Vsaka misel maščevanja, vsaka misel jeze, je misel, ki nas slabi. - Wayne Dyer Viri en.m.wikiquote.org/wiki/Rumi , http://m.youtube.com/watch?gl= US&hl=sl&client=mv-nokia&v=K- 8HsRe7nqI .