
Prikaz objav, dodanih na april, 2024

Moč Epiktetove filozofije: kako spreminjati svoj notranji dialog za boljše čustveno zdravje

Ko se sprehajam skozi življenje, se srečujem z različnimi izzivi in nepričakovanimi dogodki. Včasih me ti dogodki močno prizadenejo, povzročijo čustveno bolečino in me pahnejo v notranji dvogovor, ki se mi včasih zdi nepremagljiv. Vendar pa filozof Epiktet, čigar misli so bile napisane pred več kot 1800 leti, ponuja dragocen vpogled v to, kako lahko sam oblikujem svoj odnos do dogodkov in posledično izboljšam svoje čustveno zdravje. V   knjigi "Brez skrbi z Epiktetom," avtorja Jan Capri in Charan Díaz izpostavljata Epiktetov citat: "Kar nas čustveno prizadene, je odvisno od tega, kako si razlagamo, kar se je zgodilo. Na silovitost čustvene bolečine vedno vplivajo razlage, ki se jih domislimo, zaključki, do katerih pridemo, in naši notranji dialog." Ta izjava me spodbuja k razmišljanju o tem, kako moje razlage dogodkov vplivajo na moje čustveno stanje. Raziskave sodobne psihologije Sodobna psihologija potrjuje modrost Epiktetovih besed. Raziskave na področj...

Navigating the truth: data, perception, and skepticism

I am thinking about what is the truth. Can we manage the truth? Can we see it? Can we absorb it? And if the truth is around us, can we see it? Is this the real truth? Or is it just the truth that is mine? So I pull the data around me and bend it toward my path. But that's not the truth then, or is it? As I heard this quote  "I understand the skepticism. But beware of people eager to dismiss data because it does not agree with their expectations." In a world saturated with information, the pursuit of truth is a journey marked by complexities and nuances. The very essence of truth becomes a philosophical labyrinth, prompting us to question not only its existence but our ability to manage, perceive, and absorb it. At the core of this inquiry lies the interplay between personal truths and objective realities. Can we truly see the unadulterated truth, or does our perception filter it through the lens of subjectivity? This dilemma is heightened by our innate tendency to shape t...

Review: Jezero

Jezero by Tadej Golob My rating: 0 of 5 stars View all my reviews