Prebral: You Were Born Rich: Now You Can Discover And Develop Those Riches
You Were Born Rich: Now You Can Discover And Develop Those Riches by Bob Proctor
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Dobil sem avdio knjigo oz. posnetek seminarja BORN RICH. Večkrat slišano, vendar so zanimivi primeri dani. Najbolj me je fasciniral naslednji primer (upam, da sem znal povzeti in pravilno napisati):
"little black boy went to the fair. There was a man who were selling balloons. He pump white balloons and let it go. Then he pump red balloons and let it go. Then he pump yellow balloon and let it go into the air. A little boy ask a man: 'Mister, can a black balloon fly.' The nam answer: 'any balloo can fly. It not matter whats on outside, but whats on the inside!'
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