Kandidat za poslanca (4)

Kandidat za poslanca v DZ RS.

Domovina nam je dom v širšem pomenu besede.
Kar bomo vanjo vložili, to nam bo vračala.
Skrbimo zanjo, jo imejmo radi in bodimo
ponosni nanjo, saj je edina, ki jo imamo, v lepih
ali težkih časih. Smo kot kamen v mozaiku,
vsakdo prispeva svojo barvo, skupaj prispevamo
sliko -- naj bo lepa!

Moja domovina -- vse najboljše za rojstni dan!


Homeland we have is our home in the wider
sense of the word. What we put into it, it will
come back to us. We take care of it, let's love it
and let us be proud of it because it is the only
homeland we have, in the great and difficult
times. We are like a stone in the mosaic,
everyone contributes their color, together
contributing image -- let it be beautiful!

Our homeland - happy birthday!