#Unboss in izkušnje, ki izoblikujejo liderje
Unboss dogodek, kjer so bili v istem prostoru zelo uspešni managerji, je bilo pravo doživetje.
philosophy of Unboss:
Mr. Češek said:
Bogat sem za izkušnjo več in upam, da bo Alumni EF organiziral še več takih dogodkov.

- transforming yourself,
- next generatio leaders:
- purpose before profit,
- engaging different people so your goal and make it enthusiastic,
- in your organization make some sort of mechanism, against conventional structure,
- structure kills creativity. You need to eliminate management (no throwing out. Maybe they are capable for doing something). How Un en that? Share and try to get to understand other your purpose or purpose of your organization. Let they do it as a team. Take them out of the boxes and let them be creative.
- for success you need:
- to make it fun;
- make it a game;
- give an influence;
- hit peoples emotion (that they think that is important)
philosophy of Unboss:
- you design best organization,
- create new boxes,
- find the best people to put them in boxes. But design boxes for people and don't create people for boxes,
- nothing is impossible.
Mr. Češek said:
- you have to challenge me,
- you can ask for forgiveness, but don't ask for permission,
- we are unboss especially where we don't have answer.
Bogat sem za izkušnjo več in upam, da bo Alumni EF organiziral še več takih dogodkov.

rdeč pulover, to sem jaz! (vir: http://goo.gl/zr1WI) |
@brestovac |