Prebral: Entrepreneurship Research In Europe: Outcomes And Perspectives

Entrepreneurship Research In Europe: Outcomes And Perspectives by Alain Fayolle
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Entrepreneurship research in Europe: outcomes and perspectives
pg. 35 (author Per Davidsson)- inspired by Austrian economics and by empirical work at the intersection of innovation and entrepreneurship, Sankaran Venkataraman (1997, cf. Shane and Venkataraman, 2000; Van de Ven et al., 1989; Van de Ven et al., 1999) has suggested that entrepreneurship is about the processes of discovery and exploitation of opportunities to create future goods and services.
Pg. 55 (author Frederic Delmar)- we define entrepreneurship as the process of how, by whom, and with what consequences opportunities to discover future products and services are discovered, evaluated and exploited (Ventkataraman, 1997).
Pg. 80 (author Tatiana Iakovleva, Lars Kolvereid)- one of the central question in the study of entrepreneurship is concerned with why some new ventures succeed and other do not (Cooper in Gascon, 1992). An understanding of why firms fail or succeed is crucial to the stability and health of the economy (Gartner et al., 1999; Storey et al., 1987).
Pg. 88- it is generally believed that a successful entrepreneur is a result of the special set of personal abilities and characteristics, rather than other factors.
Pg. 89- it was found that knowledge and situational characteristics are more important determinants of risk-taking than personality (Delmar, 2000).
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