Prebral: podjetniške mreže in rasti
podjetniške mreže in rasti by boštjan antončič
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Podjetniške mreže in rast
str. 3- eden temeljnih izzivov je, kako uspešno kljubovati konkurenci in dvigovati raven konkurenčnosti podjetja ter s tem države kot celote.
Str. 3- v okolju, v katerem postaja konkurenca vse ostrejša, so se ustvarile številne tržne priložnosti in nevarnosti. Podjetja so spoznala, da bodo sama le stežka uspešno kljubovala hitrim spremembam tržnega okolja.
Str. 11- the types of exchange in a network can be: resource, information, advice, and ideas, liking, influence of power, or a combination of contents of exchanges.
Pg. 11-12- two usually important characteristics of the entrepreneurial network, which can causally impact on business performance, are density and centrality (Antoncic et al., 2002). Density is the degree of connectedness of a network in which the entrepreneur is embedded. ... centrality, which is defined as the number of ties of the entrepreneur or as the betweenness (tin importance of an actor as a connecting part of a network).
Pg. 31- the strength of ties (frequency or intensity) can be regarded as an important element in an examination of the nature of ties in social networks ( Brass, 1992). Effective entrepreneurs may be characterized by taking actions leading toward increasing their network density and diversity (Dubini and Aldrich, 1991).
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