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German Police Officers Take Off Helmets & Marched With German Citizens Against Rothschild European Central Bank! « Political Vel Craft

Policaji v Frankfurtu so se 19. 05. 2012 zdruzili z demonstranti proti bankirskim in denarnim vampirjem in vodili demonstracije......
O tej zgodbi ni bilo na nasih TV nic povedano....zakaj? , ker  Vlada leze v ta zadnjo Merklovi, Vatikanu (OPUS DEI) in EU mafiji ter nas pelje v obup....

Enako je treba narediti v Sloveniji proti vampirjem NLB in NKBM ter njihovim podpornikom. Da bomo placevali za fantomske dokapitalizacije NLB kjer nam z nekaksnim peskom v oci, hibridnim delnicami, prodajajo meglo, da bi resevali nase tajkune in EU bankarske vampirje (npr. naj resujemo tudi banke na Cipru, kjer so ,,nasi Slo tajkuni,, nalagali ukraden denar iz tajkunskig poslov NLB in NKBM, ali pa naj resujemo ,,kurilnico denarja,, RKC , kjer je cerkvena mafija skurila vec kot 1 MILIJARDO EU in je zato NLB izpostavljena za 400 MIO EUR etc.), JE ABSURD!!!.

CE to dovolimo, potem pa res nismo za drugo da imamo kar imamo. Doma jemljejo kruh socijali in solstvu, da bi bankirskim vampirjem dajali.... ZA UMOBOLNICO!!! Iz spodnjega prispevka je vse jasno....DOLJ S SLO MAFIJO!!!

POSLJITE DALJE NAJ CELOTNA SLOVENIJA ZATO ZVE, kdor ima prijatle v policiji, posljite njim, naj si vzamejo policaje iz Franfurta-za vzgled!

German Police Officers Take Off Helmets & Marched With German Citizens Against Rothschild European Central Bank!

The German police took off their helmets and marched with the protesters- clearing the way for them. 

Blockupy Frankfurt. Police are escorting. Reports 20,000+ protesters. Nice to see their faces…. and their humanity coming through…

Who Owns The European Central Bank?

The same people who own the Federal Reserve and who owned the first national bank of America, The Second national bank of America, The Bank of England.
The same people who has been responsible for almost every war on earth…
The Rothschild A.K.A. The Illuminati who are satanist. No they are not Jewish but they pretend to be. They want us to hate everyone else, so while we are fighting each other, they can own us all and laugh in the background.
God be with you!
These Are The Same Cronies That Usurped The United StatesCentral Bank _ The Federal Reserve And Turned Healthy Capitalism Into Cronie Capitalism By Derivative Fraud!

Here is a picture of Rothschild’s European Central Bank, which is located inFrankfurt, Germany!
German police officers escort an anti- cronie capitalism protest march with some 20,000 people in Frankfurt, Germany, Saturday, May 19, 2012. Protesters peacefully filled the city center of continental Europe’s biggest financial hub in their protest against the dominance of banks and what they perceive to be untamed cronie capitalism, Frankfurt police spokesman Ruediger Regis said. The protest group calling itself Blockupy has called for blocking the access to the European Central Bank, which is located in Frankfurt’s business district. (AP Photo/Michael Probst)
(Photographer AP Photo/Michael Probst)
Nice to see the police give protesters a hand. I think I will plan on my next vacation to visit Germany. Such friendly people there! 

Ron Paul’s 51% Military Contributions!
  1. Attention RNC Delegates Take Our Country Back: Ron Paul beats Obama and Romney with 58% favorability in national poll.